Howell & Thornhill

Nursing Home Abuse

Your Home Team Since 1975 - We Got This!

The law firm of Howell & Thornhill can help if you or a loved one is a victim of neglect by a nursing home or assisted living facility. Bed sores, repeated falls, skin tears, broken bones, wrong medication, dehydration, malnutrition, filthy sheets, and unanswered call lights are some of the problems a poor nursing home may cause.

The assisted living industry has changed dramatically over the last several years. In the past, the Federal government paid high amounts to nursing homes for routine care. In our opinion, these huge profits encouraged some big corporations to buy up homes in Florida and other states at any price. The house of cards collapsed when the Federal government reduced the amount paid for routine care. The big corporations were left with high debt costs on the nursing homes. Some corporations have filed for bankruptcy. It appears that some corporations have cut back employees to keep up the profits. Sadly, the main result has been a lack of care for residents. Residents frequently die because some nursing homes ignore their residents. The whole idea of a nursing home is 24 hour care. Some residents do not receive any care.

What can you do to protect your family in a nursing home?

In our opinion, the biggest fear is the nursing home is too understaffed to care for your loved one. So, pay attention to whether the call lights are answered. Look at whether the staff member is overwhelmed when they come to the room.

If the nursing home has too many patients and not enough caregivers, you need to investigate whether you wish to switch nursing homes. In the meantime, visit often and talk to the staff, so they know the family is paying attention to the care that is received. Take pictures of injuries. Write down the names of witnesses and caregivers.

Most importantly, call a lawyer and the Elder Abuse Hotline for the Florida Department of Elder Affairs at 1-800-96-ABUSE (1-800-962-2873). If you have questions, call Howell & Thornhill, P.A., for answers from one of our expert nursing home abuse attorneys.